A payday loan is an unsecured, short-term loan that is similar to a cash advance. It’s money lent to the borrower with a very high interest rate, with the promise of getting repaid at the next paycheck. If you’re in need of some immediate cash in order to make it to your next paycheck, then you might already be familiar with payday loans. The downside of payday loans is that they charge a triple APR rate and are due within a couple of weeks. This can be detrimental if you have a poor or low credit rating and are having a tough time paying bills on time. These loans can also help if you need to make medical payments, have school costs, or have holiday expenses that you can’t cover just yet.
We’ve compiled a list of the top payday loan apps that you can use to get a payday loan and keep track of paying it back.
USA Payday Loans
This app will help you with your short-term financial problems. The loaning process is simple and straightforward. It only takes a few minutes of your time. It’s one of the best apps out there for fast approval and loans. You’ll fill out a form, get a quick response, accept the conditions, accept the terms, and get a personal loan. Getting a payday loan has never been easier!
Dave – Banking for Humans
You can advance up to $100 from your paycheck interest free with the Dave – Banking for Humans app. For only one dollar a month, you can budget all of your upcoming expenses and protect yourself from bank fees. It also provides budgeting assistance so that you don’t overspend and keep yourself within your affordable range. The app will also send you alerts if you overspend.
Fast Cash
The money borrowed from Fast Cash won’t accumulate if you pay the loan off quickly. The only downside is that it takes three business days to withdraw money from your account when you’re paying them back. They’re straightforward with their terms and the loan comes in fast. There’s no credit check, no hidden charges, and cash loans that range from $200 – $15,000.
Check into Cash
This is a great app for those small, everyday emergencies where you need fast cash and when your payday is a little too far out of reach. Once you complete their online application, you can receive between $50-1,000 to help you stretch your buying power until you get paid. This is one of the best hassle-free approaches to getting a loan.
You can get up to $500 between paychecks with the Earnin payday loan app. This app is here to help you avoid overdraft fees, earn cashback, and pay those pesky medical bills. All you have to do is pay what you think is fair. Connect your bank to the app, tell them where you work, they’ll verify the information, and you can cash out up to $100 a day. Once payday arrives, they’ll debit the money that you borrowed to your account.
These are the best apps for payday loans so that you can manage your finances and not have to worry about missing payments before payday arrives. If you’re certain that your paycheck can cover the amount of money you borrow, then applying for a payday loan will be a quick and easy temporary fix. That way, you won’t be penalized for missing payments you can’t afford before your next paycheck.