
  • Investing

    When to Start Investing

    To keep things simple, the best time to start investing is as soon as possible. It would be great to end the story there but, there is more to say. The truth of the matter is that there are some things that should be taken care of before investing. If you have high interest debt, such as credit card debt,…

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  • Investing

    Investing In the Future: Decade to Decade Tips

    Investing can change your life-if you do it early enough. Understanding what you need to focus on for each decade can give you a leg up in your finances. It can allow you to pay for college, save money for retirement, travel, or even retire early. What are some investment tips for each decade? Investing In Your 20’s In your…

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  • Budgeting

    Financial Considerations for Empty Nesters

    As each child leaves your home, you may feel either thrilled or sad. One benefit to your children moving out and starting their own lives is the fact that they will pay their own way (you hope). This can mean more income left in your bank account to allow you to do some fun things or to pay off some…

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  • Investing

    Securitization: Why It Should Matter to Every Investor

    Securitization, though it may sound complex, is actually a relatively simple concept.  While it is useful for efficient markets, used improperly securitization can also cause meltdowns such as the crisis of 2008 – when toxic mortgage bonds seeped into people’s portfolios causing substantial, unexpected losses for everyday investors.  Understanding how securitization works, as well as the ways in which it…

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