student loan debt

  • Credit Cards

    Do Student Loans Build Credit?

    You can get approved for a student loan much easier than any other type of advance or line of credit. Additionally, your income and credit score don’t impact your ability to get approved for federal funding. But how do student loans affect credit score points? Moreover, do student loans build credit when you make payments on time? If done the…

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  • Budgeting

    Best Apps for Managing Personal Finances for Millennials

    Millennials get a pretty bad rap when it comes to managing personal finances. After all, avocado toast ain’t cheap, and those Starbucks frappuccinos really do add up, apparently. But to be fair, most millennials are more budget conscious than they get credit for. That’s mainly because they can’t really afford not to be with things like student debt, credit cards,…

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  • Loans

    Student Loan Debt Consolidation

    It can be a lot of fun going to college, but you also gain a lot of experience from it. People who go to college are paid more than people who have high school certificates. There are even some professions that even pay much more, but you will have to spend a longer time in college. Because of this, people…

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  • Loans

    What Student Loan Forgiveness is and How You Can Get it

    If you have student loans, chances are you’re familiar with the term forgiveness. When you get forgiveness of a loan, it means you no longer have to pay back the full loan. There are quite a few ways in which you can get student loan forgiveness for federal loans. We’re going to touch upon a few of the ways you…

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  • Loans

    The Top 6 Private Student Loans

    The time, effort, and dedication you put towards your college career may have a large impact on your success in the future. This is why it’s so worthwhile and important to invest in your college career now – even if that means taking out loans. If you’ve tried other ways to make ends meet on your college payment like grants,…

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  • Budgeting

    The Nightmare of the Night After Graduation

    The day of graduation is usually one spent with joy, pride, and fun. Completing college is a momentous task, and you deserve to spend a day enjoying all of that. The Night After Graduation is one where reality begins to sink in. Here you stand with student loan debt and no income, and the bills keep coming. Here’s the costs…

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  • Loans

    SOFR: How Your Current Student Loan Rates Might Change

    On a typical day, banks lend money to customers who want to buy a home, purchase a car, and/or find the best student loan rates. After their doors close, however, banking firms will also borrow money from investors and government entities. In turn, they use those funds for daily operations, to pay back depositors, and continue to issue loans to…

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